Submitted by Barrett Morgan ... on

You can't talk about S.E.O. without talking about posting fresh content on your website.
If you manage your own site, you are now the publisher for your company.
You are in charge of getting the word out about your business, what you're up to, and the amazing details of it all.
The internet loves fresh new content. If you're not a writer you might want to hire one.
If you're doing this yourself, where do you start? Here are a few pointers to help you out (what I've shared with my clients time and time again).
1. Post (publish to your website's blog) about what you already talk about with your clients. For example the top 3 things you are asked every day of business.
2. Share a link to your post with everyone on all of your business social network accounts. (key word being 'business accounts' - not personal)
2 1/2. Use images as much as you can with your posts. Imagery sells.
3. Be unique, make your company stand out through your excellent writing abilities and attention to weird and awesome details.
4. Get smart about it and check your analytics. If you aren't being found for the words you want to be found for, write more about those words... and talk about them as much as you can on the internet (while linking back to your amazing website).
I can't say those bolded words enough in step 4. You need to write more about the things you want to be found for. Say I wanted to be found for baking cupcakes, I would need to write frequently about my amazing baking practices and flavors and textures again and again in new creative ways, and then share about it on the networks my clients spend their time on the most. And then guest post on nationally known cupcake websites about my cutting edge cupcake baking practices. And then write cookbooks about cupcakery... you see where I'm going. We're all experts. Be a loud, bold expert in your industry.
Another key part is to be human. Don't be an annoying human. Don't spam people like crazy.
Write engaging articles that talk to real people, like you. Would you want to read what you're writing?
On my site I write about website design and development, I showcase some of my latest branding materials and design practices, and give insights into the details of how I work with my clients so you can really know what I do.
Thanks for reading, here are some fun graphics!