Submitted by Barrett Morgan ... on

One of the most important parts of running your own business is personally knowing your clients... especially in Kansas!
It's best to take the time to actually learn about your client's business, history, and lifestyle before you jump into a project with them. It will help you spend less time guessing what their wants and needs are, and it will give you an overall concept of the vision they have for the project. If not that, it will at least shine some light on the reason they have that vision.
Back in 2007 Barrett was interviewed for a video shown at the Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce Year End-Report (we can't find it online, but if we do, we'll post a link). A screen-shot was taken and used in a brochure. He was captioned as saying " What I like most about Wichita are the people. I love knowing the business owners and how personal they are with you... they really make the market." - Barrett Morgan, Life-long Wichitan.
Barrett has worked in Wichita for all of his adult life. After college at Wichita State University he got to know some key businessmen in the city who helped teach him how to effectively start and manage a business.
We're all very personable here in Kansas, and we know we are always just a phone call (or tweet) away from each other. It's also easy for us to travel to any part of the country. It's only half way across the country, instead of coast to coast. (*wink, need a design consultant?)
So if you are looking to do business in Kansas, plan on getting to know us for a while. It will be a prosperous and effective relationship you won't forget.