Submitted by Barrett Morgan ... on

A lot of people think design is in the details. That is a very true statement, but good design is creating less details for your users to worry about. The more simple your design, the easier your shopping cart is to check out of, the easier it is to subscribe, unsubscribe, review, comment, the less steps it is to do anything, the better the experience is for your users.
Most of our design time is spent simplifying the user experience for our clients’ customers. When we design anything for the public (most everything we do) it has to be easy to use and have a help number or email for those that have any trouble figuring things out. No matter how easy it is for you there are always users that need a little help now and then, we're all human.
You know you have trouble in your process or user interface if your help number ‘lights up like crazy’ when you roll out your new product or system. The best way to avoid those hiccups is having a test group of people or a soft roll-out of your design to test the waters before the huge release.
If you can’t swipe it on your phone, find something in 2 clicks or less, or write a review or comment anywhere*, it’s probably not going to go over very well with the public.
The main objective is to make it so clean and user-friendly anybody can complete your process or goal without having to read a manual. Having intuitive design for all of your marketing is a huge key to effective design and branding.
*So... where is the commenting feature for this page? All comments can go on our facebook wall at It’s easy, all in one place, and more than likely you already know how to use it.